En analyse af hver nærved-ulykke giver et godt indblik i, hvilke forhold på virksomheden der kan give anledning til arbejdsulykker og det vil ofte give idéer til, hvordan tilsvarende nærved-ulykker og arbejdsulykker kan forebygges.
an analysis of each near miss gives a good insight into the relationship of the company that can give rise to accidents and will often provide ideas on how similar near-misses and accidents can be prevented.
An analysis of every near miss gives a good insight into the conditions at the company that can give rise to accidents at work and it will often provide ideas for how similar miss-accidents and accidents can be prevented.
An analysis of each near-accident gives a good glimpse of the conditions of your company that can give rise to accidents at work and this will often give ideas of how equivalent near miss accidents and accidents can be prevented.